National Clean Out Your Computer Day
The second Monday of every February is National Clean Out Your Computer Day. Personally, I think it is always a good time to clean out your computer, your blog, your phone, and your social media. Check out my suggestions!
Clean Up Your Computer
- Empty your computer's trash
- Uninstall/Delete unwanted/unused programs
- Delete files you no longer need
- Backup your computer (Dropbox, Google Drive, SmugMug (photos), just to name a few)
- Run a scan of your computer for malware/suspicious files
- Move files on your desktop screen to their appropriate folders
- Wipe down your computer with a soft rag
- Clean your monitor/screen with a microfiber cloth
- Clean out your downloads folder
- Clean up your bookmarks
- Delete old emails
- Empty email spam and trash
Clean Up Your Blog
- Make sure your WordPress version is up to date
- Delete inactive themes
- Make sure plugins are up to date
- Delete inactive plugins
- Test all of your contact forms and opt-ins
- Empty your spam comment folder
- Test your nav bar – does everything direct properly
- Change your admin password
- Test all links on your home page
- Make sure you have daily backups setup
- Empty the blog's trash
- Delete drafts you no longer need
Clean Up Your Phone
- Delete old or unwanted photos
- Running out of space? Move photos to cloud storage like Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud
- Delete unused apps
- Put apps in folders that make sense for you
- Wipe your phone off to get rid of makeup, dirt, and germs
- Set a security code or change it
- Change the wallpaper
Clean Up Your Social Media
- Google yourself to see if any listings need to be deleted or changed
- Remove yourself from unused or unnecessary Facebook groups
- Review all your social media profiles and update
- Update out of date profile pictures or logos
- Change your passwords
[bctt tweet=”National Clean Out Your Computer Day – Suggestions to clean out your computer, blog, phone, and social media! #cleanoutyourcomputer #organization”]
What would you add to these lists?